We provide free community kidney health screenings at a variety of venues, including places of worship, dialysis centers, community centers, colleges and corporate offices. Screenings are open to anyone aged 18 and older.Risk factors include: Diabetes, High blood pressure, Cardiovascular disease, Family history of kidney disease, Age of 65 or older. If you may be at risk for kidney disease, consider scheduling a kidney screening with your primary care physician (PCP) for your next checkup. No cost screenings are offered in some areas as well. To learn more about screenings, you may want to contact UGKF an organization aimed at increasing awareness of kidney disease through public education and testing programs, to learn more.

What is involved in a kidney screening?
One or more tests could be offered at your free screening*:
- Blood pressure check
- Glucose – finger stick
- eGFR (kidney function) – blood draw

Preparing for the screening
If you are planning to participate in one of our screenings that includes a blood draw or glucose test, you should not eat or drink anything except water for at least eight hours before the screening. This will allow you to get more accurate test results.

What to do when you get your results?
If the screening shows that kidney function is normal, you’re in good shape. Nonetheless, be sure to schedule regular kidney screenings to monitor risk for developing kidney disease.
If you learn that you have CKD, there are many resources to help you manage it. In many cases, kidney failure can be prevented or delayed through early detection and proper treatment of underlying diseases, such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
screening stations
Blood Pressure:Untreated and/or undiagnosed high blood pressure can cause kidney disease. High blood pressure in most adults ages 18-60 is greater than 140/90, or greater than 150/90 if you are over age 60. Goals for blood pressure may differ depending on if you have conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease, or protein in your urine.
Body Mass Index (BMI):Body Mass Index is the relation of height to weight. Obesity can cause diabetes and cardiovascular complications.
Waist Circumference:This is a simple measurement of the waist. Carrying too much weight around your middle can increase your risk of developing diabetes and other diseases.
Blood Draw: blood draw provides information on serum creatinine and eGFR, an estimation of kidney function.
Blood Glucose:Blood is drawn through a simple finger stick and is tested to assess how much glucose (sugar) is in your blood. It is not a definite indicator for diabetes. Diabetics and others who are considered at greater risk may have an additional HbA1c test performed which provides a 3-month snapshot of blood sugar control
Private Consultation:We want to make sure you understand your screening results and important next steps to better your health. Each participant will have a private consultation at the end of the screening where you receive your individual test results.
Urinalysis:A urine sample determines if there is an infection or if there are microscopic amounts of protein present. This can be an early sign of kidney disease, sometimes referred to as “spilling protein.”